Monday, November 4, 2013

Session 1

The value of Reflection for a teach has been shown as important through previous modules at Uni, the SEN presentation springs to mind. At first I considered it personally unimportant as I consider myself to be very reflective, and have often been told I am to a fault. Aspects of lecturers telling us to be reflective can be very annoying as a lot of it seems aimed at younger students and I imagine they may find some of it patronising, this increases when you are twice their age. However, through the previous modules and even early in this reflective specific one I have realised that my reflective nature is a useful one but is not being particular well utilised. My reflectiveness had been all though and very little action, I also tend to be general or focus on the negative. An effective reflective attitude would seem to require a teach to be specific in their reflection where needed, to consider a desired outcome based on their reflection and to consider actions to make that happen. Reflection can also be about recognising achievements as well as failure, looking at why they were successes and how they can be built upon or incorporated into other areas.

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