Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Session 1 Summer Reflection

I chopped down a tree in the garden. The tree had lost most of it's needles and the previous owners of the house had planted it in an odd position that had been bothering me and my wife since we bought the house.
The garden was untidy so an oddly positioned tree is hardly much of a concern, but our law mower was broken and we couldn't afford a new one. We can cut the grass but we have to use a strimmer and it's a pain.
To be honest we might have money for a cheap mower but we are often so concerned about money, with little coming in while I'm at college and so much going out, that it's often easy to ignore essential but infrequently used purchases such as the mower. Plus, whenever we spend money on those things it's always with a little regret when we think of the things we'd really like to be buying - there's not much fun about buying a lawn mower.
The tree was quite tricky to cut down but it was the kind of hard work that was enjoyable. Once the done I felt quite proud, the garden looked better for it not being there and there was a strong sense of achievement.
Even as I decided to cut done the tree I knew what I was really doing. It was over halfway through a summer holiday I had said I would used productively; organising Uni work, doings readings, variou organisational jobs round the house, etc. Importantly I would also deal with financial issues to do with student loans. When I cut the tree down I had done very little but make excuses. Cutting the tree was both a displacement activity and a way in which to make it seem like I was productive, it was a fun job I could manage and the improvement would be noticeable. It was, however, a job that had no long lasting benefits whilst there was other more important jobs needing doing.
It's not the first time I've done this. I will often find displacement activities that appear important, but they are ways I excuse myself from doing something more important that I'm trying to avoid, it makes it harder for someone else, in this case my wife, to judge me.

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